Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Be Easy About It" - Abraham Hicks

Mar 25, 2015 "Life is supposed to be fun" - Abraham Hicks
Abraham HicksAbraham Hicks is an amazing Law of Attraction teacher who I listen to almost everyday. She talks about how people attract events to their life based on their thoughts and emotions. Basically, like attracts like and we can choose how we want to feel to create our reality.
Sounds easy? It should be. I want to feel good. I want to feel good! But, Why isn't it working? WHY!?
Sometimes, the harder I try, the complete opposite happens. I tell myself that I want to feel good, but I get disappointed that nothing happens. That disappointment sometimes leads to frustration and then defeat.
What am I doing wrong? Here it is!

I've been operating with too much pressure to change. Today I've finally decided to be easy about my thoughts. I've heard Abraham Hicks tell her audience multiple times to "be easy about it", but now it finally resonated, because it has happened to me. I've been trying way too hard to make things happen, attracting more pressure and stress as opposed to the good feeling of ease and happiness.
Let's try to be easy about it!
100414270Sometimes, negative thoughts occupy my mind. If those thoughts continue, momentum builds, adding similar thoughts as it gets faster. Eventually, these thoughts manifest into sweaty and hot body tension. Is that what I want?
Recently, a family member did something that I thought was annoying. These negative thoughts built to a point where I eventually spoke negatively. We exchanged words as it created tension and increased blood pressure. Totally unnecessary, because I was trying to change this person with a bitter tone. I caught myself, stopped and decided to think about something else.
Now I say, "Be easy about it" when I realize any negative thoughts coming. Then I would deliberately create what I really want to experience.
"Life is supposed to be fun" "Be easy about it"

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.


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