Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Create art with the heart

Feb 16, 2015
Inside my Head To create art with the heart, I must learn to clear my mind. My mind has always been more active than the average person. So active that I spend more time in my own thoughts, than the environment that surrounds me. "You think a lot" is a phrase that people tell me many times. Some even can tell when I'm thinking from the look on my face.
Being over analytical and not paying attention to my surrounding has distracted me from actually doing things. For instance, if/when I think too much about going out, I'll spend all that time thinking about the possible factors and outcomes that I would encounter. As a result, I end up not doing anything because half of the day has passed without any action taken. Then I move on to the next thought where I dissect every possible outcome. Maybe I like to take my time thinking things through.
Maybe not... This time, I wanted to take action and I wanted it now!
Taking photography to the next level, I purchased three years worth of web hosting space online and two new prime lenses which would increase the quality of my shots. One was an ultra wide-angle lens for real estate photography and the other was a 50mm prime lens for portraits. My spending was unusual and adding to my unease. I continued and ordered a circular polarizer, a photo trigger and a high quality flash, which sent me over the edge when it was defective. That was a sign to slow down and re-evaluate my priorities.
Last month, my frustrations came to a breaking point when I couldn't figure out why things were the way they were. I had all the fancy equipment and my portfolio was amazing, but something wasn't flowing right. I became mostly stressed and wasn't happy. Even with my active thoughts and dissection of everything, I couldn't sort things to actualize into action. On this path, with every attempt, came obstacles.

RealizeAccording to the law of attraction, our intentions determine our outcome. I pursued photography, but this pursuit started out in a desperate attempt to get the dream job right away. So all decisions made on this path created desperation. I thought that if I purchased the right equipment and the website, I would be set! I applied to jobs, but I probably looked and sounded desperate to potential employers. After my second rejection, I questioned my motives and sought my friend for guidance.
During our conversation, he suggested that I just enjoy the process and not aim for the destination to manifest right away. That reminder helped tremendously since it opened a door that I had apparently closed on this path. The door to "I am pro present moment and power in the now" is open again! First obstacle cleared!
Shortly after, I closed the door to my photography pursuit and relief came over me. I took a moment to relax and it seemed right. When I looked at my equipment, my website and how much money I spent, my interest wasn't as strong as before and thoughts about returning everything surfaced. I put those thoughts aside and decided to take a break from photography in general. Soon after, I was ready to reevaluate myself.

Create art with the heart

My intentions started with approaching photography as a creativity tool rather than to gain instant employment. I looked into my past creativity, which included sketching, graphic design and blogging about my daily life. If I created a portfolio displaying my talents in one website, I can express all of my creativity and showcase me as a creative individual.Create art with my heart
Create art.
Do art.
Be art.
Be creative.
Be me.
This path hasn't felt desperate so far and it feels like the right path. Follow your bliss and everything else will follow couldn't be more applicable.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.


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