Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Expand your talents now!

Mar 5, 2015
Having signed with several casting agencies is fun! We fill out an actor's resume, which lists our special abilities and talents with our photos. Then, we become active within their database of many talents, including actors, singers, dancer etc. At one agency, we get access to their job board, where directors post specifics for interested talents to apply. When I signed up, I was only applying for background work for movies, commercials and television. But there are other opportunities for those who want to expand their horizons.
Talent!I know I did!
In December of 2014, a posted ad was looking for "models" to do a photo shoot. It was for an online lifestyle site, which I had researched before applying. I recalled having seen their site on my Facebook feed, so it felt legitimate. The people who modeled were everyday people, so I felt more confident in applying. The anticipation after I submitted was exciting. They contacted me days later stating that they liked my faux hawk and wanted me to participate! Celebrate! I was extremely happy to do my first published photo shoot ever!
But, I was also insecure with my preconceived notion of models and photo shoots. Even knowing that these models were everyday looking people and that the director liked my look, I had doubts and went into my I'm-not-worthy thoughts.
I'm not tall or good-looking enough. They made a horrible mistake of casting me. I kept playing my insecurities, but I had some reasoning in my head too. I mean... my height and weight was on my actor's resume, so they should know. Maybe they'll send me home when they see what a mistake they've made. Oh, the embarrassment. I should just cancel now... 
I attended the photo shoot with much excited anticipation. The director informed me that there was going to be three girls and I was one of two guys. I went upstairs to see a tall female who told me she was from a modeling agency.
Oh my god! A real model! Panic! What am I doing here?
She asked me how long I've modeled for, which boosted my ego with much surprise, but I still felt unworthy. I told her the truth. Since I was a baby! I didn't say that. I told her it was my first photo shoot ever.
Another female walked in and she was just as tall and gorgeous! Oh no... What am I doing here really? Am I going to be the nerd they humiliate in these photos? Why did I put myself in these situations!? I feel so short compared to these ladies! And they are wearing high heels! I hope the other male would be taller than them. I'm going to remain sitting...
The two models made friendly conversation and I felt better about my presence. The third female showed up next, but I felt comfortable and stopped the self-deprecating thoughts to focus on the positive thoughts. I became more open as they became more open. Those negative thoughts slowly drifted away while positive thoughts came through. The other male did not show up at all, so we got started with the shoot. We had an awesome time acting out different scenarios and playing different roles as we got photographed. I loved my first experience.
Real Talent
My negative thoughts from my insecurities took away from my positive energy. But, this experience felt relevant to my realization of negative perception about my appearance. I let my definition of "model" and me become two separate conflicting entities. I've always been insecure with my lack of height and looks, so those beliefs carried over to this experience. It was helpful that these people were friendly, but the real lesson is to fully believe in myself and not let any negative factors distract from my positivity.
My second photo shoot is on 3/7/15 and I am ecstatic with all positive thoughts! I will shine all of my light for everyone to see.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.


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