Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tree house fruition

Aug 9, 2015 bg-tree-house-magic-circle copyRecently, I've decided to tidy up our garden to make it more easily accessible as if it were an extension to our house. On 8/8/15, I've dedicated well spent time to manifest my vision of a zen garden. I've cleared areas for cleanliness, organized and manicured plants for a pleasant presentation and created space with positive energy. Meanwhile I've been picking figs as they are ready to eat. Harvesting figs requires a higher ladder to reach the ones at the very top. So, I've decided to use our taller ladder and have placed it in the most perfect position after experimenting different positions. VIOLA!
Without realizing it, I've reopened my childhood dream. I've always dreamt about spending time on a tree to relax and to admire the beauty of nature from a higher perspective. Now that I've created a safe and easily accessible path with this ladder, I am free to enjoy this blessing. Instantly, I've had thoughts about inviting my cousins to share this wonderful experience and imagining how much fun it would be for all of us. My mother was in the garden with me and I excitedly requested that she climb the ladder. She did!  bg-treehouse-mansion-maintree copy
I love a private garden with beautiful, healthy plants.
I love a garden with open space and accessible paths of comfort.
I love enjoying a garden in peace and quiet.
I love a clean garden.
Thank you for this amazing experience!

Tree house fruition

Aug 9, 2015 bg-tree-house-magic-circle copyRecently, I've decided to tidy up our garden to make it more easily accessible as if it were an extension to our house. On 8/8/15, I've dedicated well spent time to manifest my vision of a zen garden. I've cleared areas for cleanliness, organized and manicured plants for a pleasant presentation and created space with positive energy. Meanwhile I've been picking figs as they are ready to eat. Harvesting figs requires a higher ladder to reach the ones at the very top. So, I've decided to use our taller ladder and have placed it in the most perfect position after experimenting different positions. VIOLA!
Without realizing it, I've reopened my childhood dream. I've always dreamt about spending time on a tree to relax and to admire the beauty of nature from a higher perspective. Now that I've created a safe and easily accessible path with this ladder, I am free to enjoy this blessing. Instantly, I've had thoughts about inviting my cousins to share this wonderful experience and imagining how much fun it would be for all of us. My mother was in the garden with me and I excitedly requested that she climb the ladder. She did!  bg-treehouse-mansion-maintree copy
I love a private garden with beautiful, healthy plants.
I love a garden with open space and accessible paths of comfort.
I love enjoying a garden in peace and quiet.
I love a clean garden.
Thank you for this amazing experience!

"Be Easy About It" - Abraham Hicks

Mar 25, 2015 "Life is supposed to be fun" - Abraham Hicks
Abraham HicksAbraham Hicks is an amazing Law of Attraction teacher who I listen to almost everyday. She talks about how people attract events to their life based on their thoughts and emotions. Basically, like attracts like and we can choose how we want to feel to create our reality.
Sounds easy? It should be. I want to feel good. I want to feel good! But, Why isn't it working? WHY!?
Sometimes, the harder I try, the complete opposite happens. I tell myself that I want to feel good, but I get disappointed that nothing happens. That disappointment sometimes leads to frustration and then defeat.
What am I doing wrong? Here it is!

I've been operating with too much pressure to change. Today I've finally decided to be easy about my thoughts. I've heard Abraham Hicks tell her audience multiple times to "be easy about it", but now it finally resonated, because it has happened to me. I've been trying way too hard to make things happen, attracting more pressure and stress as opposed to the good feeling of ease and happiness.
Let's try to be easy about it!
100414270Sometimes, negative thoughts occupy my mind. If those thoughts continue, momentum builds, adding similar thoughts as it gets faster. Eventually, these thoughts manifest into sweaty and hot body tension. Is that what I want?
Recently, a family member did something that I thought was annoying. These negative thoughts built to a point where I eventually spoke negatively. We exchanged words as it created tension and increased blood pressure. Totally unnecessary, because I was trying to change this person with a bitter tone. I caught myself, stopped and decided to think about something else.
Now I say, "Be easy about it" when I realize any negative thoughts coming. Then I would deliberately create what I really want to experience.
"Life is supposed to be fun" "Be easy about it"

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

A Sense of Place

Mar 19, 2015 My first photography seminar opened new doors for my next adventure!
A photographer from the National Geographic magazine discussed her techniques for capturing desirable photos for publication. An important element, which I had lacked in some of my photos, was the concept that conveys a sense of place. Her wide-angle photos engaged viewers with interesting subjects in their environment while eliciting a powerful emotional response. Her landscape photos showed the action and motion of the residences interacting within that environment. Inspired, I've decided to take on a more photo journalistic approach to my photography. Be inspired and branch out!
Sense of placeReflection
Sense of place... I realized that photographer's photos reflect their emotional state of being. The phrase, sense of place, not only represents a photographic concept, but also the photographer's inner essence.
What is my sense of place in this world? How does it affect my photography?
I haven't been conveying sense of place, because I've been more internally focused. My photos showed the closeness of things, which reflects my desire to analyze things closely, in my mind and visually. I have outgrown this phase and naturally began the next stage. Going from less internally focused to more outwardly focused, this seminar was the next logical step in moving forward. The decision to attend my first seminar was easy and the information received truly resonated with my core. This was a great decision!

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

Shine your light, beautiful star

Mar 12, 2015 Be the starIt is such a privilege to perform as an "extra" or "background" in any production. Directors are notoriously picky about their cast of characters even with their background selection. So, getting a callback is an amazing feeling and it only gets better from there. From the preparations prior till the morning of the shoot, the buildup adds to the overall experience.
After the callback, we may get an email or phone call detailing specifics about our character we are playing. Wardrobe, makeup and props are some of the things to prepare us for the shoot. Finding materials that may work stimulates adrenaline and excitement. Just imagining the possibilities and outcomes for the scene is all fun and games, in a serious way.
It is always interesting to see the other selected "extras" who play co-workers/team members/partner etc. Meeting people is one of the best parts of this experience. Most of the people are just as excited and happy to work as I am! That's a lot of positive energy until that energy runs out...
Be the Star
Be the StarOn a recent shoot, I brought at least three different outfits that would fit the mould of a London Designer. Beyond happy, I got to play a character that wasn't stereotypically Asian. Plus, they've chosen me to play one of four designers, which sent me over the moon since that meant that I looked like a designer. Amazing! Fitted plaid shirts, slacks and shoes created my character's wardrobe. I had most of those things and paired all of my looks together. Exciting!
I prepared myself for an amazing day when I arrived on set. As usual, we signed the mandatory paper work to get paid. I met my co-workers who turned out to be engaging, friendly and amazing people! Then, we went to the dressing room to have our clothes evaluated for our on-screen looks. They paired up my clothes a little differently, but I didn't mind. We were all excited and ready to be in front of the camera!
But, we learned that our session wasn't until 4pm and it was only 12pm. Why did they ask us to get there at 11am if they weren't going to need us till 4pm? That's 5 hours! The reality of actor and background work.
The four of us entertained each other in the dressing room while we waited. So, I recreated a popular childhood fortune-teller game out of a napkin with fun ideas. We got to know each other very well, but I had spent a lot of my energy animated and engaged. When the time came to perform, my energy took a nap. It felt like we just came back from an outing with friends and it was time to go home. I isolated myself while the other three conversed amongst themselves. Downhill...
Why did my energy go from super positive to super low in one day? Was it something else deeper that I wasn't aware of? YES!

Shining star
Be the StarI realized that I let other people get to me. Maybe after four hours of interacting with the same people, I eventually let some of their comments affect me. On auto pilot, I shut people out because either I didn't relate to them or I didn't have anything to say. I started the day as excited as ever to work on a production, but slowly my energy decreased when I couldn't interact with people the way I wanted. Does that sound normal? I've operated as such for the longest time, but not anymore. Why let anyone rain on my parade? I have control over my choices. 
I know that I can do anything as long as I focus. I know that we all have unlimited amounts of energy. It is our motivation that keeps us going. But we need to motivate ourselves to keep going. Stay strong and keep up the desired energy.
Be the star
During my most recent gig, I decided to practice what I had realized about my motivation levels. Luckily for me, on this particular shoot, the other three extras and I didn't have much in common. So it was the perfect time to practice. Why shut out people who we don't supposedly relate to? I wanted to continue to shine the light that is me. Just be myself and not let my perception of others get to me.
I took initiative. When my energy dwindled, I created dialog which led to more dialog. I spoke from the heart and related to people when I had the chance. I seized every opportunity to engage with people in a positive way. At the end, I shook everyone's hand as I left. It felt good to be proactively positive. Being the star is amazing!
Do it all the time!

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

Expand your talents now!

Mar 5, 2015
Having signed with several casting agencies is fun! We fill out an actor's resume, which lists our special abilities and talents with our photos. Then, we become active within their database of many talents, including actors, singers, dancer etc. At one agency, we get access to their job board, where directors post specifics for interested talents to apply. When I signed up, I was only applying for background work for movies, commercials and television. But there are other opportunities for those who want to expand their horizons.
Talent!I know I did!
In December of 2014, a posted ad was looking for "models" to do a photo shoot. It was for an online lifestyle site, which I had researched before applying. I recalled having seen their site on my Facebook feed, so it felt legitimate. The people who modeled were everyday people, so I felt more confident in applying. The anticipation after I submitted was exciting. They contacted me days later stating that they liked my faux hawk and wanted me to participate! Celebrate! I was extremely happy to do my first published photo shoot ever!
But, I was also insecure with my preconceived notion of models and photo shoots. Even knowing that these models were everyday looking people and that the director liked my look, I had doubts and went into my I'm-not-worthy thoughts.
I'm not tall or good-looking enough. They made a horrible mistake of casting me. I kept playing my insecurities, but I had some reasoning in my head too. I mean... my height and weight was on my actor's resume, so they should know. Maybe they'll send me home when they see what a mistake they've made. Oh, the embarrassment. I should just cancel now... 
I attended the photo shoot with much excited anticipation. The director informed me that there was going to be three girls and I was one of two guys. I went upstairs to see a tall female who told me she was from a modeling agency.
Oh my god! A real model! Panic! What am I doing here?
She asked me how long I've modeled for, which boosted my ego with much surprise, but I still felt unworthy. I told her the truth. Since I was a baby! I didn't say that. I told her it was my first photo shoot ever.
Another female walked in and she was just as tall and gorgeous! Oh no... What am I doing here really? Am I going to be the nerd they humiliate in these photos? Why did I put myself in these situations!? I feel so short compared to these ladies! And they are wearing high heels! I hope the other male would be taller than them. I'm going to remain sitting...
The two models made friendly conversation and I felt better about my presence. The third female showed up next, but I felt comfortable and stopped the self-deprecating thoughts to focus on the positive thoughts. I became more open as they became more open. Those negative thoughts slowly drifted away while positive thoughts came through. The other male did not show up at all, so we got started with the shoot. We had an awesome time acting out different scenarios and playing different roles as we got photographed. I loved my first experience.
Real Talent
My negative thoughts from my insecurities took away from my positive energy. But, this experience felt relevant to my realization of negative perception about my appearance. I let my definition of "model" and me become two separate conflicting entities. I've always been insecure with my lack of height and looks, so those beliefs carried over to this experience. It was helpful that these people were friendly, but the real lesson is to fully believe in myself and not let any negative factors distract from my positivity.
My second photo shoot is on 3/7/15 and I am ecstatic with all positive thoughts! I will shine all of my light for everyone to see.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

With great light, comes great darkness

Feb 25, 2015 With great light, comes great darknessMy spiritual growth has taken on a whole new level. LEVEL 99! (but who is keeping track)

Since learning about positive thinking and living, I've been focused primarily on the positive aspects of my life. By doing so, I've also created many formulas for positive success in my daily routine to fully engage in this uplifting journey. Junk, unhealthy and negative thoughts got eliminated while positivity took center stage!
No more mainstream television! Why? Because it causes unnecessary drama, biased brainwashing and negativity to my well-being. What do I do instead? Watch talks about positive thinking, energy and lifestyle on YouTube. Great idea!
No more junk food or alcohol! Why? Because it doesn't add any vital nutrients to our system and damages our body. What do I eat instead? Drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits and nuts. Yummy!
No more negative thinking! Why? Because law of attraction brings more negative thinking when we think negatively. What do I end up doing? Only think positive thoughts! Or... slowly go crazy and not realize it...
I'm a positive thinker attracting positive thoughts and outcomes! Why do I still feel stuck? This is the right path for me! Isn't it?
Allow the lightA friend, who I confided in with my dilemma, gave me his perspective on life. He kept on saying negative statements such as "The dark is always stronger" and "It's easier to be negative", which goes against everything that I've learned. How dare he lure me back to the dark side after taking five years to climb out! Oops! That's some quick judgement! BAD!
As I pondered on my friend's feedback, some statements from positive talks online came forth and then something clicked!
Spiritual growth requires the dark side, otherwise known as contrast, to move forward. To embrace both the light and the dark is to make progress. "Contrast to grow" is a popular talked about many times on YouTube, but I wasn't in the right mind state to receive and comprehend it as I focused primarily on the positivity topics. I gave into the dark side a little more and then it hit me!
I realized that my overbearing negativity restrictions held me back from living my life. I completely focused on the positive and ignored anything negative that came my way. My positive thinking routine bounded me from freedom to fully live and experience life. My formula for positive success backfired yet relief from this realization poured in. Time for a new formula...

With great light, comes great darkness

With great light, comes great darknessBalance is the key to happiness and growth. Light/positive and dark/negative experiences are both relevant to maintaining a healthy balance. I will allow thoughts and things to naturally arise/fall and will act accordingly without major restrictions.
Up until 2010, I had operated with about 5% optimism, but now my optimism is about 90%. So, I am grateful to have gone through the positive learning phase to give optimistic thoughts a growing chance. The strict formula worked at the beginning when I started. But now, the outdated formula doesn't apply to me anymore, so the next logical step is to reevaluate to maintain a balance of light and dark. I will enjoy my life and do things as I please with positivity and will be mindful of the negativity for that balance. With great light, comes great darkness...
I have graduated to the next level! Level 99!

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

The Great Meditative Journey Documented

Feb 23, 2015

Journey documented

Thank you to my friends who shared this journey documented with me. We've shared a great experience and I am deeply appreciative of their existence. I'd like to thank the host of the party for the wonderful evening of food and entertainment. Thank you. Homemade dinner by the host Kevin
On this evening, I've decided to write my thoughts in a notebook. Interestingly, I wrote in all capital letters, which felt fluid and free. Here are some notes from my meditative state:
Dream journal documentation
  • One focus (to) truly live in the now
  • This is a carefree life
  • One energy traveling
  • Inner and outer focus
  • Attention over = New adventure
  • Higher energy feels good, lighten
  • I'm inner
  • I'm playing. It's real and not real
  • I like to write like this
  • Funny feels good. We have it to have it
  • Every moment, new idea
  • Every thought has an image
  • Our souls in layers - Earth parking
  • Energy to move energy around
  • To create and witness
  • All the reality is eyes closed
  • Energy balance
  • Universe in the mind
  • Energy shift: Close eyes for answer
  • To have an idea, close your eyes and use your imagination
  • Answers are here
  • I know you, friend
  • I chose my body because I am beautiful
  • Be proud of my thoughts
  • Go inside to heal
  • Energy to move. It'll heal
  • Yawns are spiritual awareness
  • Images to heal
  • Third eye/Forehead = Hot/warm, but pale


It is amazing to have my journey documented under a meditative state to read under a sober state. Everything feels as good as reality during the moment. Things, of which were in the back of my mind, are now fully realized.
Beautiful flower manifested My inner self heals whereas earth's reality enables contrast and growth. Each time I close my eyes, positive guidance comes to me. Each time, I open my eyes, I witness the vast contrast of earth's reality. While watching the Oscars, my friends would make judgements about everything especially celebrity styling choices. In my relaxed mind state, I would observe their behavior and the Oscars, in a non judgmental state. With a clear mind, I am able to continue to be in happiness and growth.
My true self is fully realized and guides me to further incorporate love into earth's reality. Answers have always been from within as long as we are able to focus and be open to receive them. True relaxation brings forth the ability to listen to our inner self, allowing an experience that is pure and light. Wonderful to know that I am able to trust 100% in myself.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

Meditation? All Day Everyday!

Feb 21, 2015 Meditating BeeA couple of days ago, my friend told me about his meditation retreat experience in Thailand. Meditation?
Exotic, life changing and beautiful...
The perfect escape from mainstream society. The retreat entailed 12 days of specific meditation techniques repeated many times throughout the day. The experience included a strict diet plan, day/night schedule and community living rules. Much more calm and peaceful in all respects to the American lifestyle.
But, why did this not appeal to me?
Ever since I began meditating, meditation retreats sparked very little interest. My friends would tell me about their getaways, having great mindfulness experiences. Eating, walking and speaking mindfully with other like-minded individuals created their incredible journey. As an observant person, I noticed that my friends who went to the retreat, didn't continue to practice their mindfulness. Living the American dream on the fast lane, they've stopped their training to accommodate the demands of their lifestyle. So, why would anyone go to a short meditation retreat just to revert back to regular routine afterwards? Is it a vacation for people? I wanted something long-term and practical.
Meditation? All Day Everyday!I've joined several group meditation sessions per week at the East Bay Meditation Center (EBMC). Attending these sessions on a regular basis had allowed more long-term exposure, which was ideal for consistent mindfulness practice. But, six months of group meditation practice had opened a new door. I wanted to extend my practice to incorporate mindfulness into my everyday routine. I was ready for the next step. I thanked EBMC for their experience and began my new journey.

Meditation? All Day Everyday!

Meditating while everyone else is meditating is easy.
Meditating while nobody else is meditating has some challenges, but it is possible.
My goal was to incorporate my mindfulness to my mind and body while in the presence of others. Being in the presences of others in their environment allowed great opportunities for practice. Whether in downtown, at work or in school, I was mindful of my thoughts and actions.
I observed all the judgements of my environment and quieted the mind. For example, if I had walked down the street and witnessed an argument, I would be mindful of my body and mind reactions. Normally, people would react negatively, but being mindful would not allow any negative judgements to sway my emotions. I would keep focused on myself and breathe. Challenge was an understatement, but I progressed every time I practiced.
Years later, I am much more calm around others and I have been seeing things differently with a light heart.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

Create art with the heart

Feb 16, 2015
Inside my Head To create art with the heart, I must learn to clear my mind. My mind has always been more active than the average person. So active that I spend more time in my own thoughts, than the environment that surrounds me. "You think a lot" is a phrase that people tell me many times. Some even can tell when I'm thinking from the look on my face.
Being over analytical and not paying attention to my surrounding has distracted me from actually doing things. For instance, if/when I think too much about going out, I'll spend all that time thinking about the possible factors and outcomes that I would encounter. As a result, I end up not doing anything because half of the day has passed without any action taken. Then I move on to the next thought where I dissect every possible outcome. Maybe I like to take my time thinking things through.
Maybe not... This time, I wanted to take action and I wanted it now!
Taking photography to the next level, I purchased three years worth of web hosting space online and two new prime lenses which would increase the quality of my shots. One was an ultra wide-angle lens for real estate photography and the other was a 50mm prime lens for portraits. My spending was unusual and adding to my unease. I continued and ordered a circular polarizer, a photo trigger and a high quality flash, which sent me over the edge when it was defective. That was a sign to slow down and re-evaluate my priorities.
Last month, my frustrations came to a breaking point when I couldn't figure out why things were the way they were. I had all the fancy equipment and my portfolio was amazing, but something wasn't flowing right. I became mostly stressed and wasn't happy. Even with my active thoughts and dissection of everything, I couldn't sort things to actualize into action. On this path, with every attempt, came obstacles.

RealizeAccording to the law of attraction, our intentions determine our outcome. I pursued photography, but this pursuit started out in a desperate attempt to get the dream job right away. So all decisions made on this path created desperation. I thought that if I purchased the right equipment and the website, I would be set! I applied to jobs, but I probably looked and sounded desperate to potential employers. After my second rejection, I questioned my motives and sought my friend for guidance.
During our conversation, he suggested that I just enjoy the process and not aim for the destination to manifest right away. That reminder helped tremendously since it opened a door that I had apparently closed on this path. The door to "I am pro present moment and power in the now" is open again! First obstacle cleared!
Shortly after, I closed the door to my photography pursuit and relief came over me. I took a moment to relax and it seemed right. When I looked at my equipment, my website and how much money I spent, my interest wasn't as strong as before and thoughts about returning everything surfaced. I put those thoughts aside and decided to take a break from photography in general. Soon after, I was ready to reevaluate myself.

Create art with the heart

My intentions started with approaching photography as a creativity tool rather than to gain instant employment. I looked into my past creativity, which included sketching, graphic design and blogging about my daily life. If I created a portfolio displaying my talents in one website, I can express all of my creativity and showcase me as a creative individual.Create art with my heart
Create art.
Do art.
Be art.
Be creative.
Be me.
This path hasn't felt desperate so far and it feels like the right path. Follow your bliss and everything else will follow couldn't be more applicable.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

Valley of Enlightenment

Feb 15, 2015
To the Valley of Enlightenment
Feel the adrenaline rush through your body
Going down the hill at top speeds, I pedal fast to create momentum to super boost my pedaling uphill. First, I would need to zoom pass the one way stop sign at the T intersection at bottom of the hill. Hoping that there wouldn't be any cars speeding down the hill or up the hill at the same moment of my high risk crossing, I would make a left turn going uphill.
Dangerous right?
To prepare, I would look into the distance from the top of the hill for oncoming cars. I would quickly proceed when I think it is clear. Doing the math, I estimate that it takes three seconds from the moment I start my downhill descent to the bottom of the hill at top speeds. Since it is a quiet mountain side neighborhood, chances are slim that cars will be present when I run that stop sign after three seconds. It is a risk to save pedaling energy. Obviously, a risk I've done many times before.
New bike after 14 years of Old Rusty
This time however, a bright red car appeared within that three seconds as I arrived at the stop sign at 20 mph. I slammed on my brakes with both hands to avoid running into the side of that car. The brakes stopped the tires while momentum launched me forward as I catapulted into the middle of the street. The red car had noticed and stopped.
My left wrist hit the rocky road with great force, then my left knee slammed on the pavement and finally found myself laying on my left side. Instant pain ran through my leg and tingling sensations trickled around my forearm while I felt incredulous, embarrassed and discombobulated. I wanted to get out of the streets, but my body wasn't moving at all. Another oncoming car stopped because I was partially blocking his side of the street. Someone got out of that car and told me to just relax. Relief came to me as I listen to my heartbeat slow to an almost normal beat. I just laid there on the ground while a crowd started to form.
The people in the bright red car came to help. A neighbor and few other cars stopped to help/inquire as well. It was the most people I've seen occupying that area at once. Two men helped me out of the streets and onto someone's front lawn. They asked questions, looked at my wounds and apparently, my body was recovering from shock, but I was fine otherwise.
My Red Bike
Less than 3 months old and on its 1st accident
They almost called the ambulance, because I was just laying down and not saying anything but I just wanted to relax. My wrist and knees were bleeding, throbbing with pain. I didn't want an ambulance so I forced myself to walk so they would know that I didn't need further medical attention. People left with a smile and I appreciated their presence.
"Jordan", a nearby neighbor, offered to drive my sister and I home with our bikes. We were three miles away from home and I wasn't in any condition to ride my bike back, so we accepted. On the ride, he told us that he'd seen five other cyclist / car accidents occur on that same intersection and he's only lived in that area for 6 months. Then I said, "And you offered to drive all five of those people home."
Day to Night Transition When we arrived at the house, we offered pomelos and a squash as a thank you. It felt good to offer something in return for their kindness.
The Valley of Enlightenment
I am grateful for the kindness of people and the instant collaboration of strangers to offer their compassion. I will always remember their faces when they genuinely wanted to know that I was going to be okay. Have faith that people will kindly offer their compassion wherever you are in the world. We all have the same feelings deep inside and being human is everyone's priority. Have faith.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

Power of Choice

Jan 23, 2015
I've had enough!!!
There has to be more to life than being hurt, depressed and frustrated all the time! TV wasn't helping. Eating while getting fat wasn't helping either! While other people were living their lives to the fullest with their loving friends, I was moping around feeling sorry for myself. Something had to change!
But what?! And how?!Confusion
In 2010, I was taking art and architecture courses at CCSF to pursue other interesting subjects in the world. I did my course work and took many naps in the library. Sometimes, I would put my studies aside to read other books that seemed interesting as I browsed the non-fiction and magazine sections. Psychology Today was the magazine to read!
One day, I stumbled upon the self-help/religious section where I found books featuring the teachings of the Dalai Lama. Was this the answer to my problems? I read it... I meditated, but I needed another perspective. So I went back to that section to read 50 other books from different authors. Everyone seemed to be saying the same thing, but something wasn't clicking especially since its my first exposure.
One of the first books that spoke to me was a simple read from Thích Nhất Hạnh. It must have been his simple style of writing that made it easier to understand, resonating within me. Even then, I still had to let things sink in and wrap my mind around most of his teachings to fully get it.
Enjoy washing dishes? Smile as I breath in?
Why would anyone do that? I can't smile while I meditate! I will look ridiculous especially here in the library! I stopped reading that book and took a nap.
Three times a week, I returned to the same bookshelf where I could find similar but different topics on self-help. For most books, I would just read the words, but I wouldn't have a clue of what the last 20 pages were about. I tried meditation to quiet my mind, which seemed the easiest and showed the most progress but my thoughts were still negative and hurtful to my well-being.
Eventually, I would practice what Thích Nhất Hạnh suggested. Washing dishes is... fun... It didn't work. So I decided to go into nature and smile with myself and the flowers. That, along with meditation, did calm my thoughts down. In 2011, I was a much calmer person, but my thoughts were still on auto pilot and negative. What will it take for me to not have these thoughts?
Say hi to the roses Whenever I would hear the names of my former friends, my heart would race and I would immediately get angry. I still had some contact with them, but in order for me to change my negative habits, I would need to cut off all contact. My battle with my former friends became an internal battle with myself. My automatic responses were negative and prompting much needed change. Meditation helped, but I wanted more research and information to develop intellectually and be more open to new ideas. I continued to read to grasp these concepts.
As I slowly progressed throughout the year, some of the books that I've reread made more sense than the first few times. Things began to click in my head as I exposed myself to the same concepts from different books and perspectives. [Even now in 2015, if I were to read the same books, I would interpret something new] I was finally grasping the ideas due to the amount of exposure and attention I was giving to this topic. Doors for new information have been opening up for me and I continued to pursue the journey for a zen lifestyle.
From 2010 to 2011, I've spent two years learning about meditation and calming the mind. Then in 2012, I was ready to graduate from meditation and explore other information sources. With an open and calm mind, I explored many talks including the law of attraction, the simple physics of energy and how we are the creators of our own reality. I didn't believe any of these topics were possible, because we were never taught any of these subjects in school. It took awhile for me to grasp these ideas, but after three additional years of exposure, in conjunction with my continued meditation practice, I finally see things clearly in 2015.
The Light in the Dark
Learning about the law of attraction and how we have the power of choice and emotion has helped me tremendously to become a more confident individual. Solving problems has never been easier with solutions appearing before a problem even arises. Great things happen to me and my life is amazing!
In five years, I have learned to practice the following into my lifestyle.Power of Choice
  • We are all-powerful beings
    • power of choice
      • positive and negative belief systems
    • power of emotions & momentum
      • intention
      • energy vibrations
    • loving kindness
      • forgiving oneself and others
      • compassion to all
    • mindfulness / awareness

We all the power of choice to achieve happiness in our lives. It is up to you to take control of how you want to live.

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.

Why? I asked. Why?...

Jan 23, 2015

The beginning
It started around the Fall of 2009 when I hit rock bottom. The escalating drama that happened inside my mind and around my environment completely overwhelmed me. I wasn't happy with the outcome of my relationships specifically with once trusted friends. They left me out of their leisurely activities and gathering. They went on mini vacations, took many photos and posted them onto social media while my existence wasn't acknowledged.
Why? I asked.
I've tried to have a conversation with my friends, but that brought on more question aversion, false hope and implied blame.
I wasn't given any direct nor honest answers that I expected from real friends. That hurt. They told lies so they can silence me to avoid further questioning. That hurt even more. They would say nice things in the moment, but never followed up with their word when the time arrived. The worst feeling in the world is when you ask someone you trusted a question and the only thing given was false hope. They wanted to shut me up for that moment. That hurt.
Why? I asked.
Other responses I would get indirectly implied that it was my fault for the way things were. At that time, I had blocked my texting capabilities on my phone, because I preferred that people called so I can hear their voices. [We will talk about this in another post] It seemed that since texting was a huge deal to people, that no other method of communication was even an option. Our friendship started off with phone calls in the early 2000's, so why would their answer be valid now? Does social media dictate our long-term friendships? They concluded that my lack of texting was my fault and the reason why I wasn't invited to any outings.
To them, texting does trump friendship. At any given chance, they would ask was if I had texting yet.
Why? I askedIndeed it hurt a lot when my friends would justify their decisions by making statements that weren't true nor matching their intentions. Their actions spoke louder than their words and were highly contradictory. I truly dislike dishonesty and people insulting my intelligence as if they thought that I wouldn't notice. Friends don't do that to each other... unless my friends had already decided that I wasn't their friend anymore... and was treating me accordingly.
Why? I asked.
Even during our conversations, I could feel that they didn't want me around and having an encounter with me was burdensome to them. Yet, I was still holding them as if they were still my true friends. Fighting for answers. Fighting for love. Giving them the benefit of doubt for all of their answers even though I had a bad feeling about them. I didn't understand why I was treated so negatively, but I had hope even though I knew that it was over.
If I had stuck around, I would have been someone who was a nuisance... just like how they treated their other "friends"... Then I realized... I put all the puzzle pieces together. I was treated the same way as the other "friends" who were ignored and made fun of behind their backs. I saw it clearly, but... I kept holding onto hope... false hope... I did not want to believe that!
My days were occupied with what-ifs, whys and what-did-I-do-wrongs. My nights were restless because I kept replaying our conversations, questioning everything and feeling sad, angry and frustrated for the way things were.110614079
Why? I asked...
Rock bottom... My friends didn't like me and it was my fault for being who I am... It hurt being left out from once trusted friendships. It was my fault.
Why? I asked...
No answers... No closure... just abandoned.
Yet, I still wanted love from them. My friends...

I practice mindful and positive thinking on a regular basis. My constant reinvention enables me to be more open to share my story.I empower people to follow their happiness and see the world with more love in their hearts.